More About JPCC


The Jeannette Prandi Children’s Center is a place where children who may have been sexually abused can be interviewed in an environment designed with their comfort in mind. The purpose of the center is to provide the opportunity for an interview that will be acceptable in a court of law and not be traumatizing in any way. Following arrival, you and your child will be given a tour of the Center, including the interview room and the observation room where the interview will be recorded.

The interview is conducted with only your child and the Interview Specialist in the room. The Deputy District Attorney, Law Enforcement Officer, and Child Protective Service Worker observe the interview through a one way mirror. They can communicate when necessary with the Interview Specialist through a listening device in her/his ear.


Most parents would like to be present during the interview. However, in the event the case goes to court, parents may be excluded from the court room if they have witnessed the interview.